John (Jack) P. DiEnna, Jr.

Jack DiEnna Speaker on Ground Source Heat Pumps

Company: Geothermal National and International Initiative

Biography: Mr. DiEnna, the Executive Director of the Geothermal National & International Initiative (GEO-NII), is a business development and marketing professional with over forty years experience in the Electric Utility Industry and over twenty years in the geothermal heat pump industry. He is a nationally recognized authority on GHP Technology, the marketing of it and the global impact that can be expected from using these systems. He is considered a valued resource by, not only by the geothermal heat pump industry but also by government officials, trade allies and all major market segment associations in the promotion of GeoExchange to their employees, members, clients and board of directors. He is the author of the “Road to 30%”, a document that shows the impact of a 30% market share for GHPs and how this technology can solve some of the energy issues that are currently plaguing our nation. It showcases geothermal heat pump systems as a technology which provides a “Triple E” solution of, Energy independence, Environmental security and Economic prosperity, now and for generations to come.

As Executive Director of the Geothermal National and International Initiative (GEO-NII), which is a collaborative effort between the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium (GHPC), The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), he remains dedicated to, not only promoting increased use in ghp technology but in also building a sustainable infrastructure, through training, to support the technology and to promote the adoption of IGSHPA standards, both nationally and internationally, for the design, installation and commissioning of GHP technology. He is also pursuing, through GEO-NII, getting environmental considerations for the ground loop heat exchanger in the form of renewable energy credits or emission credits.
 Previously, as Key Accounts Director for the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium from 1996 to 2006, he was responsible for the development and implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding with numerous Federal, State and Local government agencies. He also developed the State Schools Initiative Program that promotes GeoExchange technology at a State’s Department of Education level. He was also responsible for the Federal Initiative, continuing to work with the various agencies to promote and develop the use of GeoExchange in Federal facilities.

Mr. DiEnna was also instrumental in the implementation of the successful contract with the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to promote GeoExchange Technology in New York State, resulting in installations that had a net savings of over 15 megawatts. He is currently in discussions with the State of New York to create another initiative, one that will work to build the infrastructure, through professional training and strategic outreach to enable market transformation. He was also instrumental in breaking the various barriers that were inhibiting the establishment of the geothermal heat pump market in IL and CA.

In 2006, Mr. DiEnna was appointed by the Secretary of Energy to serve as a member of the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Advisory Committee (FEMAC) to represent the geo industry. This committee advises DOE in defining the strategy for meeting federal energy management goals and objectives. He has recently been asked to join the Asian Pacific Partnership on the Renewable Energy & Building Efficiency task forces also representing the geothermal heat pump industry.

Mr. DiEnna is also Chairman of the Marketing Committee for the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) and was responsible for the creation and development of the Certified Geoexchange Designer (CGD) program. This is a nationally recognized certification for design professionals and is a collaborative effort by the Geothermal National & International Initiative (GEO-NII), the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) and the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).


  • Ground Source Heat Pumps